Monday, June 06, 2005

I was sooo tired yesterday afternoon. My sister was over, and we were watching Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Toward the end, I couldn't keep my eyes open.

My mother-in-law stopped in to see us, and I couldn't stay awake. I slept through most of her visit. It was not very polite of me, I know. I apologize.

In the evening, I was planning on going to a hymn sing at church, but I completely was not paying attention to the time. I would have been late had I gone, and I would have had to eat very quickly or missed dinner altogether. Plus, I felt too tired to try to go. Even ice cream following the event was not enough to coax me into my car.

Before the sleeping sickness hit, I did mange to solve the ceiling fan conundrum. My husband had installed a ceiling fan in our daughter's room on Saturday. He had it all finished, but when he turned the power back on, there was no spinning blades. He checked all the outlets in her room, but they all had power. On the other hand, the outlet in the bathroom was not working. He figured out that the wires went from the outlets in her room, to the fan, to the bathroom outlet. He wired everything correctly, but it was a puzzle to him that the fan was not working.

I took a look at things to add a new set of eyes. I first started with the curcuit box, since it was an easier choice than climbing to the attic to inspect the wiring. Although trying to see into our curcuit box isn't exactly the easiest thing either. Using the flashlight, I looked closely to see if any where flipped. One on the very bottom seemed to be. So taking the chance of something happening, I reset it. On my approach to our daughter's room, I saw spinning blades. I exclaimed with happiness that I found the problem. We all rushed to the room to stare at the ceiling.

Yep, the fan was working. When my huband pulled the chain to check the lights, it was as if the sun was in the room. 120 watts puts out quite a brilliance in a small room.

Our daughter slept in breezy slumber that afternoon.