Monday, June 20, 2005

To my husband . . .
and my dad . . .
and my fathers-in-law . . .


Our camping trip was a success. We had a relaxing time. We read, watched the fire, played games, kept the baby from eating stones, spent time with family and friends. (My parents and aunt went too. Actually many people we knew were there. You see, it was a family camping event with our church. We reserve a number of sites and families sign up to go. We have dessert together Friday night, and dinner together Saturday night and the leftover desserts. Each family brings something. We took White Chili. Very yummy.)

We had a fire Friday night, all day on Saturday, and until we left today. We are very smoky. I like that smell. Although two and a half days of it, is a bit much.

I forgot some things. I always do. But you'd think I would remember a coat for my daughter. And something warm in which she could sleep.

More stains.

A diaper accident Saturday morning. Had to wash the onesie, pajamas, sheet, and Pack N' Play mattress.

Campfires. S'mores. Extra chocolate.

A very nifty water station. Rigged by . . . ME! Involving a hose, a bucket, a stick with two "Y"s in it, a hole in the ground, and some stones. I took a picture. Actually I took video, but my dad got a picture.

We had a good time.