Friday, June 10, 2005

Most of my writing, so far, has been about my daughter and life with her. She is a huge part of my life, so it is understandable.

But about me.

Well, I like to put words on paper . . . . or screen. I usually can't think of what to write. I enjoy putting words together to make fun sentences. And to make people smile when they read it.
I enjoy reading. And since I am able to listen more than just sit and read, I have been listening to my books on tape. I have a bookmobile card and take out books on tape. I especially like John Grishom. And I like Mary Higgins Clark.

I love to sing. I have sung in my church choir. I plan on joining again next fall. I sing tenor and like the harmony it creates. I love hymns and the stories behind them. Many hymns were born from heartache and loss. Many from the praises of thankful hearts. Some are meaningful because of the places they were sung. I believe the younger generations are not being taught the beauty of hymns. They mostly only want to sing praise songs. If you think about it, though, many hymns are praise songs. They are just arranged differently. Fanny Crosby wrote hundreds of hymns, many of which were written in praise to her God and Lord. I also like praise songs. I like both styles. What I have to be careful of is singing and not paying attention to what I am singing. I need to be more mindful of the words, whatever the song.

I also like to play my flute, though I haven't picked the thing up since before my daughter was born. I don't really have much flute music, though I can play from our hymnal. I wish I could play and sing at the same time.

I like to play games, all sorts. Board games and card games, mostly. Scrabble, Phase Ten, Rummy, Yatzee, Tri-Ominos, Quiddler, Taboo, Cranium, Rummikub, Set, Skip-bo, National Parks version of Monopoly, to name a few.

I should exercise. And drink more water.

Things that bother me:

Poor grammar, people not using turn signals and other poor driving decisions, people's lack of courtesy, poor customer service, litter bugs, disrespect, our cat's recent behavior, losing.

Things I like:

The smell of my daughter, the feel of my husband's arms around me, playing Scrabble, winning, playing all my letters in one move in Scrabble, winning, talking with my friends, spending time with my sister, relaxing at the cabin, a glass of orange juice, milk and pretzels.

Now, of course some of the items in the "things I like" section are inconsequential. (There's a Scrabble word for you!)

And there's something to say about sleeping in your own bed after being away.