Tuesday, June 28, 2005

We thought we had mold. It was actually just mildew, and . . . . another surprise.

There was a very nasty odor coming from our wall. First thought was mold. Well, it wasn't mold. We paid a company to come out and investigate. No mold. It was mildew. The insulation had gotten wet. But you just take it out and replace it. Unfortunately, the nasty smell was still there.
The mold people said to just let it air out. My husband said it had to be more than "just let it air out." His nose couldn't stand it any longer. He started cutting the drywall away from where the odor was emanating. Mouse dirt . . . . everywhere.

Thank goodness there were studs in the way, so it was contained to a small 1 x 3 foot section of the wall. It was not a pleasant clean up. He did this last night.

Still very stinky this morning.