Thursday, June 16, 2005

What's in a name?

My name means bound or tied. What does that mean for me? Am I bound to something? Or someone?

If you could pick your name by it's meaning, what would you pick? I haven't decided yet.

This week's lesson is on Sarah. I am reminded of keeping my impatience in check. Sarah knew of God's promise to Abraham, that he would have a son who would become a great nation. Being 90 years old, she had most likely given up on the idea of motherhood. But God said Abraham would have a son. She was his only wife. She thought the idea rather funny.

As time went on, her finite mind told her God was taking too long. She decided to do things her way. She told Abraham to take her maidservant as his wife, in hopes that she could bear this promised child. Not only did Sarah come to resent her maidservant, who had a son, but Ishmael and Isaac, for Sarah did indeed bear a son, and their descendants have been at odds to this day.

Sarah didn't trust that God would do what He said.
How am I like Sarah?
What matters do I take into my own hands?
What consequences have I suffered for my impatience?

I need to be willing to wait for God's blessings. I know they will come. I have evidence of that fact. God's plans are far better than my own. I settle for "good." God will give me "excellent."

Quick update ~ I won the battle yesterday.