Sunday, June 12, 2005

My friend talks about my forever war with stains.

I can usually win, if I treat them right away. I have to say though, that that is not always practical. I end up having a pile of laundry sitting on my dryer waiting to enter my washer. I like white clothes, you just bleach them. Though it is believed by some, that bleach weakens fabric. Clorox says it doesn't. Well, of course they would say that. I still bleach.
New mothers, beware. Bananas are one of the hardest foods to get out. Also squash is high on the list. Again the trick is to rinse it out immediately, or as close to immediately as you can.

A poop story follows. Read at your own risk.

This past week my young one went in her diaper. Well, I thought, being the good mommy that I am, I will go relieve her of her dirty diaper. I picked her up, and we went upstairs. I laid her down on her changing table and readied myself for the struggle that ensues. (She is a major wiggle worm, constantly trying to roll over.)

I noticed my arm seemed wet. Being a mother, I smelled it. My nose didn't like it. I looked at my daughter's bottom. The one leg of her white bloomers was not white. Apparently, the diaper did not do it's job very well. Half of what was inside the diaper was also outside the diaper.

I will say no more, save that she got a bath.

For those dying of curiosity, the stain did come out. No bleach required.