Monday, June 13, 2005

My husband is a wonderful man. He is an unselfish man. He always has my best interest in mind. He loves me and tells me so, many times a day. He finds me beautiful, regardless of how I actually look.

He knows that being home with our daughter is rather stressfull at times and is always willing to take over when he gets home. In fact he wants to. He will take it upon himself to get her dinner ready. He will feed her. He is a little wary of giving her a bath by himself, mostly because she is a greased pig in the tub and requires four hands, if not more. He will spend time playing with her after dinner. He likes to put her to bed. He wants the time with her. . . . to hold her, make her laugh, rock her, soothe her when she is upset. In fact, he does a much better job at rocking her to calm her down than I do.

Even from the time she was born, we have shared the responsibility of caring for her. He would get up and calm her or bring her to me to nurse. I tried to let him sleep, since he had to go to work in the morning, and I could stay home and nap when she napped.

He is taking off work to watch our daughter while I take a trip with my best friend. He knows that she is both our responsibility. He doesn't step aside from his responsibilities.

I truly thank God for bringing my husband into my life.